
Cómo crear un plan de gestión de datos (Data Management Plan)


Los proyectos que participen en el piloto de datos de investigación abiertos de Horizonte 2020, Horizon 2020 Open Research Data Pilot, deberán desarrollar varias versiones de un plan de gestión de datos (DMP), en el que especificarán qué datos se conservarán a más largo plazo.

First Steps

It is recommended to refer the Principal Researcherto the Digital Curation Centre DMPonline tool, which offers DMP templates that match the demands and suggestions of the Guidelines on Data Management in Horizon 2020.

  1. Sign up to DMPonline
  2. Select Create plan
  3. Select European Commission (Horizon 2020) from the list of research funders
  4. Optionally, select a relevant organisation from the list of organisations to see institutional questions and/or guidance. (Anyone can use DMPonline. If your organisation is not listed, just select other organisation.)
  5. It is recommended to check the box for additional DCC guidance.
  6. Select Create plan.
  7. The first DMP to be written in a project participating in the Open Research Data Pilot would typically be based on the “Initial DMP” template.

A DMP in DMPonline can be saved anytime. It can also be shared and it can be downloaded in various formats. A screencast on how to use DMPonline is available via the home page.


When to write and revise the Data Management Plan

The first version of the DMP is expected to be delivered within the first 6 months of the project. More elaborated versions of the DMP can be delivered at later stages of the project.

The DMP should be updated as a minimum in time with the periodic evaluation/assessment of the project. If there are no other periodic reviews foreseen within the grant agreement, then such an update needs to be made in time for the final review at the latest. Furthermore, the consortium can define a timetable for review in the DMP itself.

New versions of the DMP should be created whenever important changes to the project occur due to inclusion of new data sets, changes in consortium policies or external factors.

More information

The Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020 (v3, July 2016) describe what a Data Management Plan should cover. Based on the Guidelines the Digital Curation Centre has included a DMP template in its DMPonline platform. You can write, export and update the DMP.

In addition, the Digital Curation Centre has linked its own guidance to several elements of the templates, which extends the EC guidance in the Guidelines. All guidance is located on the right-hand side of the web pag